Di Frost is a registered psychologist who works with child, adolescent and adult survivors of childhood trauma, helping them connect with their creativity and inner resources for healing.

She works individually and holds specialised retreats for small groups which enables deeper exploration of childhood wounds and healing processes through writing and creative arts.

Di also facilitates trauma workshops for health professionals and support workers so they can understand and build healing relationships with their clients while avoiding compassion fatigue.

She has worked with individual survivors of sexual abuse accessing the Royal Commission, and also in Non-Government Organisations, schools, Alcohol and Other Drug programs, Corrective Services and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities. Di has been working in the trauma field for over 15 years and has presented at several international trauma conferences.

Di is a survivor of childhood trauma which allows her to have deep insight and experiential knowledge of what is needed to recover from the impacts of childhood trauma. She is dedicated to her own healing and passionate about supporting others on their journey of healing.